Welcome To
My Portfolio

Hello, my name is Can and I'm a recent graduate of Le Wagon Fullstack Web Developer Bootcamp, with a passion for coding and web development. I'm currently looking for a junior developer position. I'm eager to work collaboratively with other team members and take on new challenges and responsibilities. With my skills, I'm well-positioned to begin my career as a web developer and make meaningful contributions to any project that I will work on.

Learn More About Me

My Projects

Take Care

Final Project for Le Wagon Bootcamp. Take Care is a platform that helps people to organize and share their personal wishes in the case of death.

  • RoR
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  • JS
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  • AJAX
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  • Bootstrap
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  • HTML
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  • PostgreSQL

Fleur Fairy

For our Airbnb mock-up project, our team decided to create a web application that allows users to rent or sell plants and flowers.

  • RoR
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  • CSS
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  • Cloudinary
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  • Heroku
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  • GeoCoding


This tool is a text summarizer that uses OpenAI GPT-4 to summarize your text for you.

  • CSS
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  • JavaScript
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  • React
  • |
  • GPT-4
  • |
  • Redux

Messaging App

A messaging app that allows users to chat with each other in real-time and also to create new chat rooms.

  • Next-JS 13
  • |
  • React
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  • Tailwind
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  • MongoDB
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  • Pusher
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  • Prisma

E-Commerce Admin Dashboard

An e-commerce website admin dashboard is a centralized web interface that provides administrators with tools and features to manage and monitor various aspects of an online store.

  • Next-JS 13
  • |
  • App Router
  • |
  • React
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  • Tailwind
  • |
  • MySQL
  • |
  • Prisma

E-Commerce Website

An e-commerce website connected to the admin dashboard and functions as the front-end or customer-facing side of the online store.

  • Next-JS 13
  • |
  • App Router
  • |
  • React
  • |
  • Tailwind
  • |
  • Clerk


I have experience working with a variety of technologies in the web development field, including front-end and back-end technologies such as Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React.js, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and more. I am also proficient in design tools such as Figma to create visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces.

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Ruby on Rails, APIs and PostgreSQL.

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    JavaScript, Bootstrap and more.

  • UI/UX

    Experience with

About Me

Hello and welcome to my portfolio about me page!
I am a hardworking and passionate web developer with strong organizational skills and attention to detail. With over 1000 hours of coding experience and expertise in programming languages such as Ruby, JavaScript, and HTML & CSS, I am confident in my ability to deliver professional results and contribute to the success of any web development project. During my time at Le Wagon Fullstack Web Developer bootcamp, I developed a solid foundation in a range of programming languages, frameworks, and tools. I also learned the importance of troubleshooting skills in web development and developed strategies for identifying and resolving problems quickly and efficiently. In addition to my technical expertise, I have experience in English translation and sales, which have helped me develop excellent communication and interpersonal skills. I am committed to explaining technical concepts and solutions clearly and effectively to both technical and non-technical stakeholders, whether through analogies, diagrams, or other strategies. I am eager to work collaboratively with other team members and take on new challenges and responsibilities. I value effective communication and believe that it is key to project success. I am committed to delivering professional results and achieving success in all my endeavors. Please take a moment to browse through my portfolio and see some of the web development projects I have completed.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Learning is a never ending process.
Building better web experiences, one project at a time.